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Design not only process flows, but forms, data fields, business rules and other process elements with next4biz BPM.


Let next4biz BPM generate your application in the background while you design.

Be ready for testing as design tasks are completed within the integrated test environment of the next4biz BPM platform.

Launch production

Cutover tested designs to the production environment almost instantaneously with a simple mouse click.

Switch to the production environment with another click to monitor and analyze the impact of your process improvements.

Adapt to change

When changes in the business environment lead to new requirements, return to the design environment.

Transfer data from the production environment with a simple click of the mouse.

Design and test changes.

Launch designs into production.


Digitalize processes without coding

Embrace change as an inevitable part of process management.

Trust next4biz BPM to facilitate (re)design, testing, and launching into production of process flows and interfaces.

All through a simple user interface and without any coding.

Be more agile with lower IT dependency.

Equate your “AS-IS” to your “TO-BE”.

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