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Essentials of Customer Experience Management

Customer experience management is essential to mitigate the impact of negative social media stories, viewing each complaint as an opportunity to retain trust. It influences buying decisions as consumers heavily rely on reviews, making effective communication vital for positive online presence. Retaining current customers is cost-efficient, and proper communication boosts loyalty, providing opportunities for product improvements and cost reduction. Next4biz offers omnichannel integration, a single view of the customer, customizable design without IT consultancy, and continuous evolution, making it a widely used and versatile customer management solution.


Why customer experience management

1. Negative customer stories can spread rapidly over the social media reaching millions of consumers; efficient complaint managementreduces the risks

Why does customer experience management matter so much? No one likes complaints but;

Every complaint is a gift
Every complaint is an opportunity

Customers who communicate their wishes, requests, demands and complaints to you still trust you to come up with a solution. However, we may lose our customers unless we handle customer communications professionally. What is more, losing customers may make it more difficult for us to win new ones.

2. People make buying decisions reading about company or product reviews; almost no one makes a purchasing decisionwithout doing research
On the Internet, the most effective sales tool. Comments sections on shopping websites carry as much weight as product presentation.

3. Retaining current customers is more lucrative than winning new ones.
There are so many things to be done to keep our current customers happy. But at the end of the day, retaining current customers is a lot easier and cheaper than winning new ones.

4. Proper customer communication managementboosts customer loyalty.
Keeping customers happy solidifies their loyalty to the brand, making them potential conduits to win us new customers.

5. Customer communications present companies with the opportunity to make improvements in product quality, manufacturing, customer care, communication andbring down the costs.
On the other hand, customer communications offer us an opportunity to fix our shortcomings andimprove our deficiencies. They may act as a guide to readjust our business approach and put us back on track

What Kind of Customer Experience Management

1. OmniChannel: Fully integrated with the web, online chat apps, call centers, e-mail apps, social media, Internet tools.
next4biz allows omnichannel channel management. You will recognize customers on all channels no matter what channel they use to contact you.

2. Single view of customer: It recognizes customers on all channels; manages all sorts of communication.
You will know beforehand what has been planned, what has been done so far and what is yet to be done with regards to the customer issue. Not only you but also all the employees involved in the process will have access to similar information wherever they might be. Single view of customer features allows you to take the measure of your customers.

3.Design workflows, interfaces and escalation sand ensure,end-to-end customer communication management.
next4biz allows you to design your own customer experience management system. Design your own interfaces, work flows, escalations and SLAs, or simply all the experience processes. This in turn keeps your customer experience management solutions up to date.

4.You do not need IT consultants to design or modify it.
This is exactly what next4biz stands for: designing your own work flows and interfaces for each kind of complaint. Without needing IT support or technical consultants. This keeps your software up to date customizing it according to your own needs without needing exterior support. You can resolve each complaint with the expertise that it requires.

5.Dashboards and reports allow you to measure delays, rooms for improvement, staff performance and KPIs, bringing your business practices in alignment with ISO 10002 standards.
next4biz holds on to each data with the end-to-end customer communication management. We monitor the regulations and create our own reports accordingly. If you wish, you may create your own reports, using Excel.

6. The choice of leading companies in every sector, the most widely used solution.
next4biz, the most widely used customer management tool in this country, provides market leading solutions for banks, insurance companies, e-commerce corporations, construction chemical manufacturing companies, transportation companies, health care companies, municipalities etc.

7. A cloud app but fully integrable with web services.
next4biz is a cloud app but it is fully integrable with your current systems. It can be integrated with ERP systems, e-mail and SMS applications, CRM applications, call centers and dozens of other systems.

8. 4 new version, each year, next4biz keeps evolving.
Thanks to constant system improvements undertaken on the basis of the demands of our customers and new sectoral demands and expectations, new features are added to the ones mentioned above with each passing day. Our technology staff is constantly working to bring you the best products available on the market, developing 4 new program versions each single year to keep you up to speed with the advancements in the sector. It is a constantly growing and developing customer care solution. Scripting and satisfaction surveys are some of our new features.

Gürkan Platin
Gürkan Platin, a graduate of Hacettepe University Management and Organization, worked as a manager in various positions at Mensan, Citibank, Garanti Bank and Credit Registration Bureau, respectively. Platin has been blogging since 1996 and his articles are published in various national and international publications.
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