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Training Programs

Welcome to the next4biz CRM & BPM platform!
On this page, you can register for our training programs and take the first step towards adapting next4biz to your company.


Next4biz Training

Design and Customization Training

11-16, 22-23 December 2023 ONLINE Register

BPM Business Process Management
Design and Customization Training

This program includes the interface, customization, and process design of the BPM. The program is not designed for end users; after the training, we will carry out design and customization activities with the participants in line with their company’s needs.
25-29 December 2023 ONLINE Register

CRM Marketing and Sales
Design and Customization Training

This program includes the customization , design, and reporting of the CRM. The program is not designed for end users; after the training, we will carry out design and customizationactivities with the participants in line with their company’s needs.
2-6 January 2024 ONLINE Register

CSM Customer Service Design
and Customization Training

This program includes the customization, design, and reporting of the CSM. The program is not designed for end users; after the training, we will carry out design and customizationactivities with the participants in line with their company’s needs.
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Implementation Processes?

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