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Next4biz Trainings and Certification

Next4biz is used in more than 25 countries, in almost all industries, in more than 15 languages. And Next4biz is getting more and more popular every day. For this reason, the demand for trained and certified Next4biz consultants and key users is increasing in the world. On the other hand, best practices have shown that consultancy can be provided online without the need for parties to work face to face. As a result of this, we have decided to reorganize our training, certification and key user community policy.


Next4biz User Group Community

We have recently created the Next4biz Key User Community Linkedin group. It is a private and closed group moderated by Next4biz. In this group, as Next4biz, we will share:

  • New product features,
  • Training calender of the month,
  • New techniques or updates in the implementation methodology,
  • New best practices,
  • News from events related to Next4biz.

Community members (key users) may share:

  • Demand for Next4biz consultants in their organizations
  • New Next4biz best practices
  • Interesting Next4biz experiences
  • More about Next4biz

Here is the link for Next4biz Key User Group:

Click to send a request to be a member of this community.

Next4biz Trainings

The training program of the Next4biz modules is published at

You can view the monthly training program and the content of each training and you can apply for registration to the relevant training on the same page. The training program is repeated every month and is given in English.


After a successful completion of a training, the attendee gets a certificate for the related module. The certificates are issued on with a specific URL key for each certificated key user. Certificates can be downloaded as pdf, the QR code on the certificate directs to this key user’s certificate.

Key users can use the URL of their certificate wherever they want. Two popular use cases are below.

Adding Next4biz Certificate to Linkedin Profile
Adding a Skill to Your Linkedin Profile
Gürkan Platin
Gürkan Platin, a graduate of Hacettepe University Management and Organization, worked as a manager in various positions at Mensan, Citibank, Garanti Bank and Credit Registration Bureau, respectively. Platin has been blogging since 1996 and his articles are published in various national and international publications.
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