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Apply the 'Roadmap to Success' methodology

Leverage best-business-practice know-how and business process insight distilled from hundreds of business cases representing all business models and sizes from a variety of countries and all sectors.

“Roadmap to Success” is a continuously evolving methodology that encapsulates state-of-the-art approaches to process design.

Avoid reinventing the wheel.

Utilize ready-made reusable process elements library

next4biz BPM’s library of reusable process templates and process design elements is continuously enriched.

You will find most of the custom process features ready to use or use with minor modifications.

Utilize next4biz BPM reusable process elements to kick start your process digitization adventure.

Build a private reusable process elements library

Import and export process elements as BPMN documents for reuse.

Expand and modify the ready-made reusable process elements library to create a library unique and private to your organization.

Let departments and other elements of your organization share process knowledge to quickly adopt and customize pre-designed processes from the library.

Easily create templates through a simple user interface and reuse these templates for future BPM projects.

Leverage nearly two decades of experience

“Roadmap to Success” and the next4biz BPM reusable process elements library consolidate the process know-how of a large number of organizations.

Adopt best business practices and gain process design insight.

Utilize the “Roadmap to Success” and the next4biz BPM reusable process elements library to quickly adopt effective BPM practices.

Follow-on by fine-tuning processes to reflect the particular needs and process know-how of your organization.

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