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Keep a full record of customer communication

Record all types of communication with customers and potential customers across all channels, including telephone calls, online meetings, messages, correspondence, quotations, proposals, contracts, and others.

Know every detail of every opportunity

Know who called a potential customer and the conversation content.
Know what the potential customer requested and when.
Know what content the customer clicked on and when.

Assign customer-related tasks to your teams and track progress.

Manage sales teams and opportunities

Adopt an innovative, goal-oriented approach to sales.

Implement the sales methodology best suited to your needs to seize all sales opportunities and improve sales efficiency.

Remove complexity from sales process execution

Use a simple drag-drop style interface to manage the execution of your sales processes. Move sales opportunities to the next stage and monitor your progress.

Manage the closing of opportunities, both successful and unsuccessful, by detailing reasons for the outcome.

Make sales predictable and sustainable

Determine the sales volume and profitability estimations for each opportunity.

Monitor the progress of sales opportunities and prepare probabilistic sales estimations.

Achieve efficient sales management across all business models

Choose next4biz CRM whatever your business model: B2B, B2C or B2B2C.

Ensure sales success, whether to businesses or consumers, and whether directly or through sales channels.

Monitor, report, and analyze sales steps

Record both positive and negative sales outcomes.

Investigate the factors behind sales results.

Schedule a Meeting
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