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What Do I Tell the Customer?

As an organization, you have a customer service team working to better serve your customers, and you have tens, maybe hundreds of agents on that team. Each of your agents is trying to produce solutions to dozens of issues for your customers on all of your communication channels. Right?


You organize training sessions to make this service “better” every day, enlarge the team, and spare no expense to continuously improve it, but it just doesn’t work!

Despite hours of training, your call center personnel either receive incomplete information from the customer, do not ask the questions they should, or do not/cannot properly answer customers’ questions.

You probably hear this question all the time: “But what do I tell the customer?”

This is where customer experience management comes in. Corporations can benefit from the application of corporate dialogue scenarios known as Agent Scripting, while also increasing their first call resolution (FCR) and customer satisfaction score (CSAT). Agent Scripting is a software solution that guides the agent’s dialogue with the customer step by step and provides alternative scenarios in light of the information provided by the customer.

Agent Scripting is one of the key features of the next4biz CSM module.

Create Your Solutions Smoothly
Agent Scripting guides agents at every step and helps your call center personnel manage the solution process with minimal training.

Custom Agent Scripts for Each Scenario
Create solution scripts specific to each request to ensure that your personnel ask the right questions rather than repeating the same words in every scenario like a robot.

An Agent’s Right Hand
Through Agent Scripting, next4biz helps agents answer customers’ questions with ease. This feature eliminates the need for agents to request the help of a manager or colleague.

Faster and Better Quality Solution
Increase your first call resolution (FCR) and customer satisfaction score (CSAT) by resolving support requests quicker and more reliably.

Save Time on Training New Agents
Agent Scripting enables you to guide your team throughout every call, saving time on training your new agents on all types of customer requests and the answers they should provide.

Identify and Continuously Improve the Most Common Solution Dialogue Scenarios You can identify common dialogues by analyzing agent scripts according to their frequency of use. Make sure the most common scripts are always up to date, helpful, and relevant for the solution.

Industry-Specific Adaptation
Banking, e-commerce, technical support, consumer products… By using next4biz Agent Scripting, you will represent the industry’s highest-quality customer service standards in all requests.

Thanks to the Agent Scripting feature of the next4biz CSM module, you can see the agent’s questions and the customer’s answers in detail. You can then go over the answers and solutions, update them whenever you want without the need for coding, and develop new scripts accordingly. For further assistance, you can easily add customer-specific instructions for each step of each dialogue scenario. Your agents will produce more permanent solutions by following these instructions.

When it comes to customer experience management, nothing is perfect. The important thing is that your organization and personnel dedicate themselves to continuously improving the experience they provide to your customers. As a CRM platform that can be adapted without any coding, next4biz offers you the opportunity to continuously improve the customer experience at all stages of service. With next4biz’s standard Agent Scripting feature, you can take this dedication to excellence one step further.
Gürkan Platin
Gürkan Platin, a graduate of Hacettepe University Management and Organization, worked as a manager in various positions at Mensan, Citibank, Garanti Bank and Credit Registration Bureau, respectively. Platin has been blogging since 1996 and his articles are published in various national and international publications.
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