Which Systems Has Next4biz Been Integrated With?

We went through a two-part adaptation process. On one hand, we designed the category tree, interfaces, and processes for issue management as a business unit, and integrated all of our systems in technical teams, leveraging the Next4biz team's experience in each of our business channels. Read More

We created a data flow chart and documented the entire data architecture and process. The Next4biz integration team assisted us in shaping this process by making very useful suggestions. It was a smooth transition and adaptation process. We created a working environment where we can make transactions more freely and quickly by copying our current marketing data to Next4biz. Read More

Thanks to the Support teams of Next4biz, leaving the old system that we had been using for a long time and switching to a new system was very simple and quick. All that was left is for us was to change our habits, which we did over time. Currently, all Teknosa business units, stores, business partners, and call centres are able to use Next4biz screens with ease. Working with an experienced business partner, who offers alternative solutions to quickly overcome any point where you can experience problems, proved that we made the right decision at this point.

Next4biz has a method for adaptation and integration. You won't believe how simple the process is if you exactly follow this process, which begins with training. Even if the people in charge of Next4biz change, the competence is transferred and passed to new managers. We only had to perform the integration process once, and we never had to look back.

Apart from the integration of all communication channels, our main expectation was that our order management system, e-commerce infrastructure, financial accounting system, and service management system would all work together as a unit. Next4biz rendered the process very easy for us, especially in terms of integration. Next4biz always determined the next step, and as we observed the results, we gained trust in this process. Finally, even with a small team like ours, we had no idea how quick the adaptation and transition process was. Read More

Following the decision to use Next4biz CRM, we had a three-stage transition process:
1. Training;
2. Integration and 3. Configuration.
Following a brief training, the entire configuration was completed in 10 days, with the ERP integration taking about 2 weeks, and Next4biz was ready for use. Read More

Previously, we kept customer data in a separate system for marketing, another for sales, another for stores, and yet another for service. All of this is now available in a single integrated system: Next4biz. During this transition period, Next4biz's technical capabilities and know-how in this field, particularly in the customer singularization business, made our lives much easier. Read More